The working poor in Cambodia face significant challenges related to poverty, low wages, limited access to education and healthcare, and precarious employment conditions. Many workers in Cambodia, particularly those employed in the agricultural sector, garment industry, construction, and informal economy, earn low wages that are insufficient to meet their basic needs. Despite economic growth in recent years, the minimum wage remains low, and many workers struggle to afford food, shelter, and other essentials.
A significant portion of Cambodia’s workforce is engaged in the informal economy, including street vending, small-scale agriculture, and informal labor. Workers in the informal sector often lack job security, social protections, and access to formal employment opportunities, leaving them vulnerable to exploitation and economic insecurity. Many working poor in Cambodia are employed in precarious and unstable jobs, characterized by irregular hours, temporary contracts, and unsafe working conditions. These workers may face challenges such as unpaid wages, lack of legal protections, and exposure to health and safety risks.
Poverty often prevents children from poor families in Cambodia from accessing quality education. Without adequate education and skills training, individuals are less likely to secure stable employment and break the cycle of poverty. The working poor in Cambodia often face barriers to accessing healthcare services, including high out-of-pocket costs, limited availability of healthcare facilities in rural areas, and inadequate healthcare infrastructure. As a result, many individuals and families struggle to afford essential medical care and may forego treatment due to financial constraints. The working poor in Cambodia often live in overcrowded and substandard housing, lacking access to clean water, sanitation facilities, and other basic amenities. Housing insecurity is common, particularly among informal settlers and rural communities affected by land disputes and forced evictions. The working poor in Cambodia are highly vulnerable to economic shocks, natural disasters, and other emergencies that can exacerbate poverty and food insecurity. Events such as droughts, floods, and economic downturns can have devastating effects on livelihoods and exacerbate existing inequalities.
Efforts to address the challenges faced by the working poor in Cambodia include initiatives to improve labor rights, increase access to education and healthcare, promote sustainable livelihoods, and strengthen social protection programs. However, significant challenges remain in addressing the root causes of poverty and inequality and improving the well-being of Cambodia’s most vulnerable populations.